How to Choose The Right Hair Extension?
These days, there are a plethora of different styles of extensions, that it can become as overwhelming as picking out a new car. Every hair type can wear extensions; it’s just about finding the right extensions for you. But how to choose a hair extension that suits you is a very tangled problem. Luckily, we are here to break down four different types of hair extensions for you.

Tape in Hair- The Most Popular Type
Tape-in extensions use a wide, transparent adhesive to attach the tape insertion extension to the root, which looks similar to tape. This connection method allows the extension cord to lie completely flat, usually lasting 6-8 weeks. It’s best for those recovering from severe color breakage or with thin hair.
Installment: These extensions are pre-taped to wefts, then taped and glued on either side of your strands. Usually, the hairdresser would align them with the roots and apply them with a heated tool that heats the glue.
Remove: Don’t forget, you need to use a glue remover when you want to remove it. It is best do it at salon not to try this at home.
Clip-in Hair Extensions: Suit for All Hair Types
Clip-in extensions come in a strand of pieces attached at a base with silicone or fabric. Each clip snaps open and closed easily and is hidden. You can install it and manage by yourself
If you are looking for a temporary hair extensions, then choose the clip ins, because you can quickly and easily remove them and put them back on any occasion or day. However, it is best to wear the clip for no more than 24 hours

Weft Extensions
Hair weft can be worn in four ways. It can be applied by clips or glue or micro ring. The most frequently used method is sew in weft. Weave hair is applied by a needle and thread. The hair is then sewn directly onto cornrow braids.
When appropriately installed, sew-in extensions can be perfect for growing out shorter styles, protecting the natural hair. This style of extensions is best for those with thicker hair.

Pre Bonded Hair Extensions
Fusion hair extensions, also known as keratin extensions, are one of the most popular hair extension attachment methods because they are reliable, natural and long lasting. Use glue or wax to separate and connect your natural hair. Keratin extensions usually lasts up to three months.
It is more expensive than other types hair extension. Although they are the most expensive, they are the most natural extensions and therefore worthwhile for most people. These extensions should be applied by the stylist.
The above is our sharing. Hope it helps
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